Cuidado con los grupos de ambientalistas que no conocen nuestra industria...

Existen grupos de ambientalistas que estan dispuestos a acabar con nuestra industria. Argumentan que la Industria de la carne es la segunda industria que mas contamina el planeta, lo cual es mentira.

Dentro de sus acciones intentan que los días lunes no se consuma carne. Editaron una guia llamada "Meat Eater's Guide" la cual atenta directamente contra los ganaderos.Utilizan argumentos falsos para engañar a los consumidores.

Hagamos algo al respecto y no dejemos que desprestigien nuestra industria.

Como industria nos debemos de unir y hacerle ver a los consumidores las ventajas que tiene comer carne.

Les comparto esta nota para visiten la pagina y la manera tan dura que atacan nuestra industria.

Today, the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., released the Meat Eater's Guide to Climate Change and Health, a multi-featured tool which includes a website, quiz, interactive lifecycle graphics and other resources intended to demonstrate to consumers how food choices impact their environmental footprint and health. According to the report, beef ranks second as having the highest environmental footprint, following lamb, according to a "cradle-to-grave" lifecycle assessment that the group conducted with CleanMetrics, an environmental analysis and consulting firm. The report encourages people to partake in "Meatless Mondays" and give up meat at least one day a week for their individual health and for the health of the planet. According to EWG, if every American skipped meat and cheese one day a week, environmentally it would be the same as the country driving 91 billion fewer miles a year.
