New system to bolster bull sales

MARKETING stud stock via the internet is about to become competitive with the introduction of the Sale Day Global program to Australia.
Tom Lawson's Paringa Livestock will test the US-based system next week with a sale catalogue of 31 Charolais yearling bulls.
To an outsider the internet program accessed on combines elements of EBay trading, AuctionsPlus and the Helmsman blackboard auction.
The Paringa Charolais sale will open at 8am on September 27, and close at noon on September 28.
Potential bidders must register, and they will be issued with a password, though the sale progress can be viewed by interested onlookers simply by logging into the website.
According to the site, potential buyers have the opportunity to set maximum bids and their priorities on two or more lots. Details of lots, including photographs and objective and genetic data, also can be viewed.
Mr Lawson, who has used the global program to buy and sell stud stock from the US, said he could see a great future for such a selling system in Australia.
The Paringa sale will follow an on-farm Next Generation Genetics Open Day next Wednesday at 10am at 96 Creeds Road, at Yea.
